Tactics III :: Turn-Based Warfare


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Articles. Insignia. United States Marine Corps (USMC) commissioned officer rank insignia

United States Marine Corps (USMC) commissioned officer rank insignia

General O-10 Gen Can serve as Commandant of the Marine Corps, commander of major military command or act Chairman/Vice-chairman of the Jount Cheifs of Staff if appointed.
Lieutenant General
Lieutenant General O-9 LtGen Commands corp-sized units (Marine Expeditionary Forces).
Major General
Major General O-8 MajGen Commands division-sized units.
Brigadier General
Brigadier General O-7 BGen Serves as Deputy Commander of division-sized units.
Colonel O-6 Col Commands brigade-sized units.
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel O-5 LtCol Commands battalion-sized units.
Major O-4 Maj Serves as Executive Officer (XO) of battalion-sized units.
Captain O-3 Capt Commands company-sized units.
First Lieutenant
First Lieutenant O-2 1stLt Serves as Executive Officers (XOs) to company-sized units.
Second Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant O-1 2ndLt Lead platoon-sized units, and generally come straight from ROTC, The US Naval Academy, or Officer Candidate School.

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